Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help


The following operators can be used when assigning a value to a variable:


assigns the right-hand expression to the left-hand variable (a = 3)


adds two numbers or text strings (a + 3)


subtracts a number from another number (a - 3)


multiplies two numbers


power / involution / division




increases the x variable by one


decreases the x variable by one

x += 7

adds 7 to the value in x

x -= 7

subtracts 7 from the value in x

x *= 7

multiplies the value in x with 7

x /= 7

divides the value in x with 7

The following operators are primarily used for comparison in loops and conditional commands.




not equal


less than


greater than


less or equal


greater or equal


logical AND operator; TRUE if the two expressions are both TRUE, otherwise FALSE. It is possible to use && instead of AND


logical OR operator; TRUE if either of the two expressions are TRUE, otherwise FALSE It is possible to use || instead of OR


logical NOT operator; reverses the result of a logical expression